As the weather cools and the Halloween decorations make their way into neighborhood windows, it is time again for the Co-op's twice-a-year General Membership Meeting. We have a great meeting planned out beginning at 6pm with a snack- and refreshment-laden check-in period. The agenda is as follows:
6:00 pm - 6:30 pm Check-In (get your snack on!)
UPDATE: Special thanks to Grubhouse (Best of Philly 2013 Winner) for providing the food for our Fall General Membership Meeting. If that's not enough to get you there by 6pm, we don't know what will! Check out their website and follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
6:30 pm - 7:00 pm General Co-op Update (How did we do at the Garden Tour? How many new members since our May meeting? And, of course, how is that site search coming?)
EDITED TO ADD: During the Co-op Update members will be asked to vote to approve the minutes from the Spring General Membership Meeting. A 2-page draft of those minutes can be downloaded using this link (pdf).
7:00 pm - 7:30 pm Meet your fellow members
7:30 pm - 8:00 pm Engaging new members!
See you in chapel of St. John's at 13th and Tasker on 10/23!
1232 Tasker St
Philadelphia, PA 19148
United States
Google map and directions