Big time congratulations go out to Co-op member-owner Andy Arsenault and this brother Sean. The two of them collaborated on a Salted Caramel Chocolate Stout that just won the "People's Choice" award at Home Sweet Homebrew's Extreme Home Brew Challenge at Jose Pistola's in Center City. Andy, who is a long-time volunteer on the Co-op's Programs and Events Committee has been brewing with his brother for about five years. Their victory was featured in a Daily News piece by Philly icon Joe Sixpack (aka Don Russell, the director of Philly Beer Week). Just reading the description makes me regret not going to more Programs and Events committee meetings myself to get a taste of this brew:
Sean said he was inspired to duplicate the flavor of the salted caramel ice cream he enjoyed while living in Lyon, France. It was made with English brown malt, the type used in mild stout and porter, plus sugar and a dose of lactose to amplify its sweetness. Only a small bit of sea salt was added to give it the kick it needed.Fellow member-owners, please send along best wishes to Andy and Sean for their big win! (You can do so in the comments section below or on our Facebook page, where I've also posted this.) And if you haven't met Andy yet or you want to try some his brew (or fellow Programs and Events committee member Martin Brown's Little Baby's Ice Cream) email [email protected] for information on how you can get involved. Yes... that's right. I'm bribing you with beer and ice cream. Check that... other people's beer and ice cream!