A civic association, a public high school and a major greening, gardening and beautification advocacy group have come together to transform a formerly vacant and barren asphalt lot along one of the city's major thoroughfares into a beautiful and green addition to South Philadelphia.
The two plots produce a bounty of fruits and veggies that are actually sold at a nearby farmer's market. Have we whet your appetite enough yet?
You can learn more about this major achievement of greening and beautification AND see a number of unique household gardens by going on the Second Annual South Philly Food Co-op Garden Tour, on Sat., Sept. 8, 2012 (raindate Sun., Sept. 9, 2012) from 1-5 p.m. Tickets can be purchased online at http://southphillygardentour.eventbrite.com/ or at these locations:
- Urban Jungle, 1526 E. Passyunk Avenue
- Ultimo Coffee, 1900 South 15th St.
- Grindcore House, 1515 S. 4th St.