Back-to-School Recipes with Chef Monica Glass
We have a yummy Back-to-School treat and challenge for you this month! South Philly Chef Monica Glass will be sharing four different easy to make recipes that are PERFECT for Back-to-School snacks featuring the following five local products from our shelves:
Week 1 - Conscious Culture Vegan Cheese & Habitat Farms Honey
Week 2 - Soom Tahini
Week 3 - Mother Butter Seed Butter
Week 4 - Local Apples
YOUR MISSION IF YOU CHOOSE TO ACCEPT: If you make all 4 of Chef Monica's recipes in September, you get a FREE Habitat Farms Honey, Mother Butter, Soom, Conscious Culture, or local apple!
Rules: Tag SPFC in a video or photo of each recipe on social media or email them to [email protected]. Once we get all 4, we'll reach out to you to arrange which FREE GIFT you want.
Below is a sneak peek of all 4 recipes: