As we've been doing for a few months now, we want to share our monthly committee reports with our membership and those who are thinking of becoming members. We have several active committees staffed by dedicated, hard-working volunteers whose one goal is get this Co-op built. As you can see from the reports below, we've all been pretty busy trying to accomplish that goal.
But we need help. If you're a member who wants to make a HUGE difference in how fast we can get to the ribbon cutting for the Co-op, please consider volunteering to serve on one of these committees. The report below - which was available in hard copy at our Spring General Membership Meeting - will help you determine which activities fit with your skill set or are among skills that you're hoping to learn. (You can also download the report here.)
May 2013 Committee Updates
Submitted to the general membership on 5/17/13
Treasury (Jay Tarlecki)
- Statement of Activities and Statement of Financial Position and bank reconciliation submitted to the board on a monthly basis.
- Still awaiting final CPA approval of FY13 final numbers
- Reviewed outstanding member equity numbers as briefly discussed in April board meeting. Pledged but not received for all calendar years = $26,647. Of that total, $5,050 is currently past due.
- Develop new bank deposit form, in progress
- Treasurer playbook
- Looking for CPA to handle taxes moving forward, no luck finding one that handles co-op so far
- Move from member records in excel to QuickBooks for accounting and tracking needs
- Begin using QuickBooks at start of FY14 - Not implemented
- Begin transition of past FYs to QuickBooks on 6/1/13 after FY13 is officially closed out- Soliciting quotes for support in implementing QB
- Provide reliable and accurate financial stewardship to people who have trusted us with their money records are reconciled
- Written policy and procedure manual for member tracking, CRM entry, and bookkeeping practices. DEADLINE TBD based on CRM selection Pending
- Monthly reconciliation for banking Records reconciled as of 5/16. Current active member count is 466 (members in good standing = 411 and equity past-due = 55). Cash on hand = $67,602. (excluding $1,750 transferred to Fair Food account). Non-equity cash = $1,270.
- CRM database and QuickBooks to be updated twice a month. Done
- Membership cards and welcome letters to be mailed once a month mailed at least once every calendar month
- Assist with development and conversion to the Co-op’s CRM system. Pending
- Distribute membership certificate shares at each general meeting list provided for 5/19 meeting
- volunteer management (you can do this all by email)
- neighborhood outreach (we’ll provide the training!)
- hosting Eat and Greet Potluck dinners or other creative events for your neighborhood/friend network