Daylight saving time is around the corner, so don't forget to set your clocks forward this weekend! While you're sipping your Sunday morning coffee, lamenting that lost hour of precious time, remember this: You've still got plenty of good hours ahead, so we hope you make the most of them! Here are some ideas to help you spring forward:
- Save the date for our 2016 Spring General Membership Meeting: Wednesday, May 25, 6:30 p.m.! As is always the case during our spring meetings, we'll be voting in new members of the Board of Directors.
- Speaking of which, did you know that you could spend some of those precious life-hours attending board meetings as one of our newest Board members? It's decision time if you're considering joining the Board: Nominations are due March 15.
- Not sure the Board is right for you, but still want to give some of your time to the Co-op? Consider joining a committee. If you're not sure which committee is right for you, dive in and attend an upcoming meeting. Coming up this month:
- The Operations Committee is meeting on March 14
- The Outreach and Member Services Committee is meeting on March 21
- Visit our newest Shop South Philly partner, Chaat & Chai!
- Finally, if you haven't yet completed it, fill out our Member Product Preferences Survey. I promise that -- unlike daylight saving time -- it will take less than an hour!

Cooperatively yours,
Nathaniel Cauldwell, Member, South Philly Food Co-op Board of Directors

Due March 15: Board Nominations
Are you considering joining our Board of Directors? Here are the basic requirements:
- At least 18 years of age
- Member of a share-holding household for at least eight months prior to election (since September 2015 or earlier)
- Prior attendance at one General Membership Meeting
- Prior attendance at one committee meeting
- In good standing with equity payment(s)
- Not associated with interests contrary to the general interests of the Co-op
- Successful completion of Nomination Form

Calling All Volunteers!
If you're interested in becoming more involved with the Co-op, we have a couple of great open volunteer slots that need to be filled ASAP:
- We're looking for a dedicated individual to be our Volunteer Coordinator! This person is responsible for making sure events are fully staffed, and for placing volunteers with committees and projects that need them most. Most volunteer coordination can be done via email, so if you only have a few hours a month to help but would like to get involved, this might be a great position for you! Please email [email protected] for more information.
- Join our Outreach and Member Services Committee! This joint committee coordinates all activities relating to our future and current membership, including member recruitment, event production, new member on-boarding and local business relationship building. Read more about this committee here, or click here to sign up!
Shop South Philly: Welcome Chaat & Chai!
Have you visited our Shop South Philly page lately? It's bursting at the seams with local restaurants, bars, boutiques and service companies offering discounts to all South Philly Food Co-op members. We'd like to welcome the newest member of our Shop South Philly family, Chaat & Chai!
To use your discount, just show your Co-op card at the restaurant and receive a free small chai with your order of $15 or more.
To use your discount, just show your Co-op card at the restaurant and receive a free small chai with your order of $15 or more.

Last Chance: Member Product Preferences Survey
We're wrapping up our Member Product Preferences Survey on March 15! Please take a few moments to let us know where you shop, how often, what you like to purchase and -- most importantly -- why. We'll be sharing the results of the survey at the Spring General Membership Meeting this May, so be sure to click here and let your voice be heard loud and clear.