All are welcome! You don't have to be a member to shop.

All the latest happenings about the Co-op in ONE place!

Hello, supporters of the South Philly Food Co-op! Once again thanks your all of your words of encouragement, your participation in our many outreach and fund-raising events AND especially your membership in the Co-op. If you haven't joined yet then thanks for the first two things and we're looking forward to having you as a member soon. The Board of Directors of the Co-op takes its responsibility as the stewards of your member equity very seriously and to that end seeks to be as open and transparent as possible about all the work being done on behalf of the members to open a store. One of the ways the Co-op does this is by sharing the reports they receive each month from the various committees. These reports offer a concise and informative insider view of the various projects and goals being pursued by the Bookkeeping, Membership, Programs and Events, Marketing and Communications, Legal, Real Estate, Leadership, Business Outreach, Grants, IT, Speakers Bureau and Operations committees. Click this link to view or download a PDF of the April committee reports. If you have any questions, feel free to post them as a comment to this blog post OR email [email protected]. What's another way to get all the latest news about the Co-op? Come to our May general membership meeting on Sunday, May 19. (Details here.) Whether you're a member or not, you are welcome to the meeting so you can find out as much you want to know about our efforts to date and take part in (if a member) or witness (if not) the process of voting for our board members.