Answer. Yes. A very good food (or drink, whatever).
Some local guys have put together a great film called Beeradelphia which is headed to the 2012 Monaco Charity Film Festival as an official feature documentary. I heard this news while listening to WXPN earlier this week which led me to track down some info about the movie. I was able to find one trailer on the filmmaker's YouTube channel and judging from the sheer number of people who appear to have been interviewed for this film, it's a pretty comprehensive look at the past, present and future of the Philly beer scene:
What does this have to do with the Co-op? Sadly, we're unlikely to be able to sell beer at the Co-op no matter how local and awesome the beer is because of some pesky laws here in PA. But we're all about supporting local filmmakers AND brewers so we encourage you to check out the film whenever it might be showing and go buy some PBC or Yards or Troegs or Victory or Dogfish Head or any of a number that I'm probably leaving out. Please add names of other locally brewed beers and brewpubs in the comments section to further educate me and our readers.
Enjoy your weekend. Now... it's beer time.
All are welcome! You don't have to be a member to shop.
Beer is a food, right?
09/01/2022 – SPFC Back to School Recipe Series by Chef Monica Glass
08/01/2022 – Board Statement on Supreme Court Ruling
06/07/2013 – Sarah's Garden: Rain
06/05/2013 – Let's party our way to 600 members!
06/04/2013 – Pallet Gardening Workshop: June 1, 2013
05/31/2013 – Sarah's Garden: Growth
05/31/2013 – Show off your garden on the South Philly Garden Tour!
05/30/2013 – Take a look "behind the scenes" at the Co-op
05/29/2013 – Happy Hour at Underdogs -- Plus, a Contest
05/29/2013 – The results are in: Board Elections