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Garden Tour Countdown: A Visit with One Of Our Sponsors!

The third annual South Philly Garden Tour, a self-guided exploration of the green spaces hidden in South Philly’s concrete jungle, is just around the corner. As we count down to the big day, your friendly neighborhood co-op blog team is here to remind you of all the most crucial reasons why you should join us on Saturday, September 7, from 1 to 5 p.m., for our biggest fundraiser of the year.

One of our Sponsors is the proudly South Philly boutique, Occasionette. The creative mind behind Girls Can Tell, and owner of Occasionette, Sara Selepouchin Villari, answers a few questions for today's blog post:

Hi Sara! Why are you sponsoring the Garden Tour?
We are sponsoring the garden tour because we love supporting the Coop in whatever ways we can. We're so excited for the Coop to open, so anything we can do to help in that process is something we're game for!

How long has Occasionette been open, and where are you located?
Occasionette is at 1825 East Passyunk (next door to Chhaya), and we opened in April.

You're providing an awesome tote bag for the garden tour attendees; what can you say about the tote?
We're providing 200 tote bags for attendees! It'll feature an original Philadelphia-themed illustration.

Have you had any personal success with growing plants in South Philly?
I usually end up with one monster plant that takes over my (tiny) yard. One year it was cucumber, one year morning glories, this year, lemon balm. (Which is lovely, but I'm learning there's only so much you can do with lemon balm...)

Thanks, Sara. And thanks again for being one of the sponsors of this year's South Philly Garden Tour!

South Philly Garden Tour
Saturday, September 7, 1-5 p.m. (Rain date: Sunday, September 8, 1-5 p.m.)
Check-in: South Philly High School, Broad and Snyder