[caption id="attachment_4213" align="alignnone" width="672"]
Sooooo jealous...[/caption]
After a furious few nights of number crunching, we have the official results of the 2012 South Philly Garden Tour fund raiser. This is by far the largest fund raiser the Co-op does each year and we hope it provides a great time for people who attend as well as those who volunteer the use of their gardens. Here are the numbers:
24 participating gardens...
111 attendees...
141 tickets sold...
$3673.33 Net proceeds...
...and best of all...
10 new members on day of Tour!
As you can tell by the numbers, not only was the Tour well attended but we also had a number of folks who couldn't make it for one reason or another still give to the Co-op by purchasing a ticket or two. As with all of our fund raising, the proceeds from this event will go toward the pre-start-up costs we incur so that when it comes time to put a deposit down on a location, stock the shelves with inventory (after, uh, building shelves) and hiring a staff, we will have every penny of member equity available.
After the Tour was all over, one attendee who has lived in South Philadelphia for several years remarked that going on the Garden Tour helped him realize "just how cool a place South Philly is" and "how great it is to live here." He went on to say, "look at all this great stuff going on in my neighborhood - especially the creative and sustainable things being done with very tight spaces - that I didn't know about."
A great day for meeting cool neighbors... seeing great gardens... and helping bring the South Philly Food Co-op that much closer to opening.