Join us on Saturday, May 14 and Saturday, May 21 from 3:00pm to 6:30pm at Lucky Old Souls for their Jazz on Colorado Court series at McKean St between 17th & 18th Streets.
Lucky Old Souls is a jazz club coming to South Philly, currently getting their final approval from the PLCB with renovations on their building to begin soon and an opening date of 2011. Every Saturday in May they're hosting a free outdoor neighborhood concert next door to their future home. On hand serving up food will be Honest Tom's Tacos, Buttercream Cupcakes, Tyson Bees, & Little Baby's Ice Cream. SPFC will also be there on the 14th and 21st for two fabulous evenings of live jazz and food trucks! Stop on over with the family and say hello!
*This event takes place every Saturday in May but SPFC will only be there on the dates indicated here.