Back on April 14 several of our Co-op committee members attending a special training session on recruiting new members. The session has proven invaluable in that many of the lessons learned have since been put into action and helped us smash through our first goal of 250 member-owners. They'll prove even more valuable as we enter our next stage of development and reach for our next goal of 400 member-owners. This is the time when we'll be building up our infrastructure to prepare for when we reach our next goal and we can take our 400 members to the bank. Literally. In that we will then go to the a bank or other lender and ask for financing. Figuratively in that only a few of us will go, not all 400.
But during this stage, as we build toward 400, we'll also be building out our committees and begin gathering potential locations for our Co-op.
If you'd like to get more information about the lessons our folks learned at the member recruitment training, email us at [email protected]. The stuff we learned will not only help you to help us get more members but could also come in handy in other parts of your personal and professional life. And we'll pass on the knowledge for free!
That said, here's some pics from the day:
[caption id="attachment_3658" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Lot of learning going on that day."]
[caption id="attachment_3661" align="aligncenter" width="259" caption="We need ALL of our member-owners to be leaders as well and we can tell you how!"]
[caption id="attachment_3662" align="aligncenter" width="389" caption="Representatives from co-ops all over the region were in attendance"]
[caption id="attachment_3663" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Somehow these things always ended up having role play."]