It's almost August! That means...
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="375"]
Dr. Walter I presume[/caption]
Red tomatoes! I actually do just presume in the caption above. I've moved these poor tomatoes around so much that most of the labels are gone. Oh well. And if you look closely at the stem above the fruit you can see that it's broken - another casualty of moving. It's hard to move large tomato plants, especially in a small car. Let's just say the sunroof came in handy.
Unfortunately, when I was watering the garden today I found an interloper:
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="375"]
this thing was about the size of my index finger[/caption]
I realize that it is hard to see a green caterpillar against green plants but that's how hard it is to spot these guys. I only found this one because I was poking around for tomatoes - just goes to show that you should always check your plants under the leaves. This is a tomato hornworm and it is alarmingly large, eats tomatoes (and eggplants and peppers) and will turn into a moth. This was the only one I found on any of my plants so I just pulled it off and threw it into the alley for the birds.
Lastly, I "liked" Greensgrow on Facebook and they told me the other day that it was time to plant carrots for the fall. Okay! My friend gave me some homegrown carrots as a housewarming gift and they were delicious. I mean delicious - sweet and earthy and crunchy. I just ate them plain and raw they were so good and I didn't want to mar the fresh taste with anything else. Usually I dip carrots into hummus and they become more of a hummus vehicle but I think homegrown I could just eat them on their own. I've had some "Little Finger" carrot seeds lying around for over a year now so I finally decided to give them a try. Fall carrots would be nice! I also found this helpful post on the Philadelphia County Master Gardeners blog all about what you can plant now for the fall. I'm going to try a few of these as I figure out my back yard. It's exciting that spring isn't the only planting time!