The following was submitted to the Board in at the end of September. The board minutes are also available on our website.
Subcommittee Updates as of 9/28/11
Subcommittee Updates as of 9/28/11
Operations Committee
Contract signed with Keystone Development Center to begin work on market analysis and budget projections. We are planning 4 focus groups for December to provide some qualitative information that can be used in the feasibility study. There will be two groups made up of members, one of interest people that have not become members yet (from our mailing list), and one “control” group made up of community members who may or may not have heard of the co-op (civic association e-blasts will be used to get this last group).
The group discussed the idea of hosting a member-owner focused potluck (at a member’s home) in early November. Currently trying to secure a location and a date. This would be a meet-and-greet community builder for the current members and also an effort to try to sign up new members. The only community events on our schedule right now are St. Nick’s Church Festival on Oct 2 and tabling at some of the local farmers markets. Going forward, Maggie McCuistonagreed to be the official point person for community events and tabling opportunities. The next meeting will be rescheduled because of the General Member-owner meeting on Oct 17. The group will reassess 2nd round visits to civic associations at the next meeting.
Communications and Marketing
Reviewed work product from the Art Institute students and will present final decision to the Board at October meeting. Discussed media training.
The membership committee is currently planning the General Membership meeting for Monday October 17th, 2011. Speakers are in the process of being confirmed. Our team is writing the main bullet points for each section and will deliver to the speakers this week. We will have 4 volunteers to "check" people in, hand out ballots, and take new applications. We are asking members to bring a snack to share during a "mingling" session at the close of the meeting. The agenda is as follows:
- Board Intros - Name, address, fun fact (10 minutes)
- "Ice-breaker" - Take 2 minutes to introduce yourself to the people sitting next to you (2 minutes)
- overview, progress (5 minutes)
- next steps (10 minutes)
- benefits (5 minutes)
- volunteering (10 minutes)
- train “how to talk about co-op and recruit your friends and neighbors" (10 minutes)
- Q&A from audience (20 minutes)
- Intro to by-laws and Q&A about by-laws (10 minutes)
- Vote on bylaws (paper ballot)
- Final wrap-up - mingle, eat snacks
Ticket Sales $2661.86
Donations $1.00
Sponsors $150.00
Total $2812.86
Balloons $51.84
Name Badges $22.83
Brochure Holders $22.65
Total $97.00
Final Earnings $ 2716.86
Tour Details
20 gardens participated - 8 home and 12 community
108 people “checked-in” and received bracelets and tour guide
Follow up
The garden tour committee has met to debrief and make suggestions for next year. Two surveys (host and participant) are currently in the field to gather feed back. In the next few weeks, we will set a date for next year’s tour and set a month to begin the planning process.
Business Outreach
Goal is to have 5 Shop South Philly partners by to announce the member benefit at the 10/17 meeting.
Current businesses pending:
- Wishing Well – accepted SSP
- Grindcore – verbal agreement, pending completed form
- Black N Brew – pending
- Philly Car Share – pending
- 2nd Street Brew – pending
- Bennett’s Compost – pending
- Devil’s Den – pending
- Calm
- Philly Wellness Center
- SliCe
- Urban Jungle
- GirlBikeDog
- Julie Laquer - Illustrator/Designer