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Speaking of gardening... FREE! Gardening Workshop

Since Thursdays are our "Sarah's Garden" days, it only seemed right to include the following announcement which found its way into our inbox yesterday. The Friends of the Free Library of Philadelphia have informed us that on Saturday, May 21st at 1pm at the South Philly Library (Broad and Morris Streets), they are sponsoring a book and plant sale that includes a free workshop by the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. The plant sale follows immediately after the workshop with all proceeds benefiting the South Philly Library. The workshop promises to help people who want to learn how to create beautiful small space gardens and will cover topics like container gardening and window boxes. I've been reading Sarah's posts with great interest since I'm trying to get my own backyard vegetable garden going. Anyone who gets into this activity and does it without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides can really start to appreciate how refreshing it is to eat food free from those chemicals. It's one of the many reasons for supporting a food co-op so YOU can make the decision to have such carefully and sustainably grown food available to you (especially when, as is likely to happen to me, your backyard harvest isn't all you hoped it would be).