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Sticking around this weekend? Try The Food For All Collective Spring Potluck

The Food For All Collective (TFFAC) is "a collectively-run bulk food buying club that seeks to make humane and sustainable choices accessible to everyone." Some of the Co-op organizers have been involved with TFFAC for a while and have participated in their bulk food orders. In our household, for example, Alison often orders from them and we are currently enjoying, among other items, several pounds of organic, fair trade coffee beans through TFFAC.

TFFAC is different from a Co-op in many ways but philosophically we're all in tune with the desire to bring good food to as many people as possible.

To that end, they are hosting their first ever Spring Potluck on Sunday, May 29 from 1pm to 4pm at Jefferson Square Park (Washington Ave between 3rd and 4th Street). Rain date will be announced if necessary.

Please visit the Facebook event page for the potluck to RSVP and for more information.