As the end of summer draws nigh, we will gather tonight for one more Gold Star Music in The Park event. Come out and enjoy a beautiful August night with the music of East Coastamite, a good-time, get-down, instrumental four-piece preaching the word of 60s-inspired, soul, surf, and organ jazz. Of course food is part of the deal -- the Co-op is celebrating with a a potluck. Bring your favorite dish made with at least one local ingredient to share and don't forget to BYOB(lanket). Event begins at 7pm at Gold Star Park on Wharton between 6th and 7th.
Sign up to become a member-owner that night and you'll receive $15 in gift cards for the Farm to City farmers markets. And if that's not enough of an incentive, the first 40 people who stop by our table will get a free Little Baby’s ice cream sandwich. Though we can't promise that you'll get to meet Little Baby's viral video sensation (which is perhaps for the best if you're bringing small children).
See you there!
All are welcome! You don't have to be a member to shop.
TONIGHT: Potluck, Ice Cream, Music and Great Weather at Gold Star Park
09/01/2022 – SPFC Back to School Recipe Series by Chef Monica Glass
08/01/2022 – Board Statement on Supreme Court Ruling
06/07/2013 – Sarah's Garden: Rain
06/05/2013 – Let's party our way to 600 members!
06/04/2013 – Pallet Gardening Workshop: June 1, 2013
05/31/2013 – Sarah's Garden: Growth
05/31/2013 – Show off your garden on the South Philly Garden Tour!
05/30/2013 – Take a look "behind the scenes" at the Co-op
05/29/2013 – Happy Hour at Underdogs -- Plus, a Contest
05/29/2013 – The results are in: Board Elections