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World Food Day 2013: Global Perspectives on Food Justice - 10/16


Word of this event came to us from Co-op member-owner Maria who wanted to pass it along and invite other member-owners and Co-op supporters to attend. See below the fold for the list and bios of the speakers. Feel free to email [email protected] if you have any food-related events you think the rest of the membership would be interested in.

Wed Oct 16th 4:30-6:30
Rutgers Camden Campus
Student Center South
ABC Conference Room

The World Food Day theme for 2013 is “sustainable food systems for food security and nutrition.” Speakers will shed light on perspectives and strategies for food justice outside of the US. This event is part of the Rutgers Global Health Biennial Theme Year and Global Philly 2013.

  • Heidi Witmer, Founder and Director of the LEAF Project
  • Megan Doherty, Associate Director, International & Local Service Learning Programs at University of Pennsylvania's School of Engineering
  • Sameerah Siddiqui, GROW Campaign Coordinator with Oxfam America
  • Christiaan Morssink, Executive Director of the United Nations Association of Greater Philadelphia

Sponsored by Rutgers School of Social Work; School of Social Work Student Association (SSWSA); University of Pennsylvania’s Africa Center, Middle East Center, Center for East Asian Studies and South Asia Center, United Nations Association of Greater Philadelphia, and the Global Philadelphia Association