SPFC Back to School Recipe Series by Chef Monica Glass
Back-to-School Recipes with Chef Monica Glass
We have a yummy Back-to-School treat and challenge for you this month! South Philly Chef Monica Glass will be sharing four different easy to make recipes that are PERFECT for Back-to-School snacks featuring the following five local products from our shelves:
Week 1 - Conscious Culture Vegan Cheese & Habitat Farms Honey
Week 2 - Soom Tahini
Week 3 - Mother Butter Seed Butter
Week 4 - Local Apples
YOUR MISSION IF YOU CHOOSE TO ACCEPT: If you make all 4 of Chef Monica's recipes in September, you get a FREE Habitat Farms Honey, Mother Butter, Soom, Conscious Culture, or local apple!
Rules: Tag SPFC in a video or photo of each recipe on social media or email them to [email protected]. Once we get all 4, we'll reach out to you to arrange which FREE GIFT you want.
Below is a sneak peek of all 4 recipes:
Board Statement on Supreme Court Ruling
Dear Member-Owners and Neighbors,
We want to begin by acknowledging the profound impact of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Supreme Court ruling. We stand with National Co+op Grocers, a cooperative of nearly 150 food co-ops across the country, in affirming the human right of bodily autonomy and the liberty of women, trans, and nonbinary people to make decisions about their own bodies, including healthcare decisions.
Our co-op’s mission is to use food as a force for good - at our tables, in our community and for our planet.
In response to Dobbs, using food as a force for good at our tables means:
- Reviewing our in-store benefits package to ensure coverage for reproductive health and abortion care;
- Committing to improving our benefits coverage for reproductive health and abortion care when we next have the opportunity to renegotiate our benefits plans; and
- Expanding in-store health coverage to provide Board-funded travel benefits in the event that Pennsylvania adopts restrictive abortion laws to ensure all staff have equal access to necessary health care.
Using food as a force for good in our community and for our planet means:
- Supporting local advocacy organizations through partnerships and our Round Up at the Register program;
- Educating folx about the significant impact reproductive choice and bodily autonomy have on food insecurity in our community;
- Collaborating with our neighbors on special events, like Judy Ni of bāo • logy for a two-day community outreach event and bake sale with Bakers Against Racism; and
- Working to promote voter registration and participation throughout South Philly.
We encourage you, and everyone you know, to attend Bakers Against Racism’s Abortion Access Edition August Bake Sale on Sunday, August 7th and Monday, August 8th. The event aims to provide community education about choice, healthcare, human rights, and to raise funds and awareness for the upcoming election cycle. SPFC will serve as an order pick-up spot on Monday, from 2-7pm.
We welcome all member-owners to help us continue to think about how we can collectively advance the dialogue on reproductive justice, the human rights of women and any individual who has the capacity to experience a pregnancy (planned or unplanned) and women’s and gender-expansive individuals’ health more generally. Member-owners are encouraged to email our Board with their thoughts.
In Cooperation,
Chad Hooper, President
Mita Banerjee, Vice President
Sharon Ulak, Treasurer
A Procik, Secretary
Molly Devlin
Brendan Duffy
Zaire DuRant-Young
Eliza Kinsey
Jenn Ladd
Beckett Woodworth
Sarah's Garden: Rain
Above is lavender and what I assumed was Lamb's Ear until these bright magenta flower showed up. Turns out it's rose campion and I'm not entirely sure where it came from! On the left side of the picture is a blackberry (or possibly raspberry) from Bartram's Garden. I get it last summer and it's starting to flower so maybe I will get some berries? We'll see.
The excitement of this week was when I harvested some beans...11 of them, to be exact. They seem a little small but the pods were turning yellow so I looked in one and hey! beans. I'm letting these dry and hopefully I will get more so I can make something with them. Next year I promise I'll plant more than one bean plant.
Other than that I've been frantically staking my tomato plants to keep up with all this growth. More pictures next week, once things dry up a bit!
Let's party our way to 600 members!
One of the Co-op's most successful member recruitment tools this year has been the house parties and get togethers organized by members who invite small groups of friends who might be interested in joining. During our recent 75in75 campaign, over a half dozen different members hosted this parties which were attended collectively by dozens of prospective members. It's a great way to help recruit new members while showing off your party-hosting skills.
And with summer upon us and the season of backyard barbecues, roof-deck gatherings and small group picnics with pick-up softball games, there are plenty of opportunities to gather a bunch of your friends without worrying about them making a mess in your home!
Here's how it works.
1. Let us know you want to one of these by emailing [email protected].
2. You pick a date, invite a bunch of friends and do all of the other things you'd normally do when organizing a party: putting together a menu, getting your iTunes playlist together, practicing your flip cup and beer pong skills, etc.
3. We will arrange for one of the volunteers in our Speakers Bureau to attend the party prepared with a 5-minute pitch about why joining the Co-op would be such a great idea. You can feel free to chime in - since they're your friends - about why you joined, or just leave the talking to us. The speaker will also have plenty of forms on hand for people to join on the spot.
4. Make sure to take plenty of pictures and let us know how the event went so we can post them to our Facebook page and put on our blog. The more pictures of people eating great food and having a good time, the better!
If you have any questions or if you're new in town and want to know when the next house party is happening, send an email to [email protected]. We'll answer your questions or check with the host to see if he or she has room for more guests.
Pallet Gardening Workshop: June 1, 2013
Judging from our pictures taken by Co-op member Stefania Patrizio, the attendees didn’t mind the heat. In fact, many of them found the program informative and helpful. One participant, Josh Satinoff, shared how this event gave him the opportunity to create a garden for his house and that the event was “awesome”. The Co-op helped to provide pallets and other materials for pallet gardening.
Although this event quickly filled up, the South Philadelphia Food Co-op hopes to host more events that will focus on creating more green space in South Philadelphia. Whether it is creating your own verdant oasis with a pallet garden or touring the various community gardens of South Philadelphia in September, the Co-op is ready to provide more opportunities for residents of South Philadelphia to explore how urban gardening can enhance our community’s aesthetics and bonds. Interestingly enough, South Philadelphia High School’s parking lot, which served as the site for Saturday’s workshop, will also serve as the hub for this fall’s Community Garden Tour. The Co-op is on the lookout for gardens in South Philadelphia to feature for the Community Garden Tour. If you have a garden that you want to show off, or if you just want more information about the Garden Tour this fall, you can go here.
[caption id="attachment_5375" align="alignnone" width="225"] Event organizer and workshop leader Molly Devinney helps participants transform their pallets into gardens.
- Participants Josh Satinoff and Ari Packer show off their handiwork at the Pallet Gardening Workshop.[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_5377" align="alignnone" width="225"] Other participants enjoyed working with their gardens. Attendees described the workshop as really helpful and "Awesome".[/caption]
Sarah's Garden: Growth
Here they are on May 2nd after having survived the first night outside:
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="500"] pitiful[/caption]
Here's the next day...looking quite bedraggled from all the sun (note to self: next year don't worry about hardening off but do give them a few days of partial sun before going all in):
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="500"] poor things[/caption]
But then things started looking up. Here they are on May 7th, growing well:
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="500"] hi friends[/caption]
Here's the whole bed on May 8th, still looking pretty sparse:
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="375"] lots of dirt[/caption]
Here are some baby beets on May 10th:
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="500"] beets[/caption]
Here's the whole bed on May 16th, getting a little greener. I actually had too much room and had to go out and buy some more veggies (starts cause I was too late for seeds) from Greensgrow. I got an eggplant (still trying to get just one eggplant, maybe the third time's the charm?), Green Zebra tomato, yellow pear tomato, some lemon cucumbers and zucchini:
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="500"] now with irrigation![/caption]
May 20th:
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="500"] are we getting sick of the same picture yet??[/caption]
May 22nd:
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="500"] hey, slightly different angle![/caption]
Which brings us to today, the last day of May:
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="500"] lots of growth thanks to all that rain![/caption]
Almost all of the tomatoes are staked (or, uh, should be...) and last night I made myself a very little salad of arugula, beet greens and baby chard. Pretty good! My father came down and helped me with those trellises, which are just from the South Philly Lowe's painted with leftover paint from the trim of my house. I think I may paint the raised bed that color, too. The wall is my neighbor's garage and he graciously told me to do whatever I wanted with it, including drilling things into it. Thanks, Matt!
So here's what it all looks like now that the back is cleared:
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="500"] little yard[/caption]
That back patch of dirt will hopefully be grass soon and next year I'd like to get some of the concrete out of there, but for now the concrete is integral in keeping the weeds away. And I think my plants are loving the raised bed! They should, there are like 40 gallons of Bennett Compost in there.
And now it's June (almost) and the real growing will begin. And the real test of the irrigation system. But one month in the raised bed is looking good!
Show off your garden on the South Philly Garden Tour!
Take a look "behind the scenes" at the Co-op
- Statement of Activities and Statement of Financial Position and bank reconciliation submitted to the board on a monthly basis.
- Still awaiting final CPA approval of FY13 final numbers
- Reviewed outstanding member equity numbers as briefly discussed in April board meeting. Pledged but not received for all calendar years = $26,647. Of that total, $5,050 is currently past due.
- Develop new bank deposit form, in progress
- Treasurer playbook
- Looking for CPA to handle taxes moving forward, no luck finding one that handles co-op so far
- Move from member records in excel to QuickBooks for accounting and tracking needs
- Begin using QuickBooks at start of FY14 - Not implemented
- Begin transition of past FYs to QuickBooks on 6/1/13 after FY13 is officially closed out- Soliciting quotes for support in implementing QB
- Provide reliable and accurate financial stewardship to people who have trusted us with their money records are reconciled
- Written policy and procedure manual for member tracking, CRM entry, and bookkeeping practices. DEADLINE TBD based on CRM selection Pending
- Monthly reconciliation for banking Records reconciled as of 5/16. Current active member count is 466 (members in good standing = 411 and equity past-due = 55). Cash on hand = $67,602. (excluding $1,750 transferred to Fair Food account). Non-equity cash = $1,270.
- CRM database and QuickBooks to be updated twice a month. Done
- Membership cards and welcome letters to be mailed once a month mailed at least once every calendar month
- Assist with development and conversion to the Co-op’s CRM system. Pending
- Distribute membership certificate shares at each general meeting list provided for 5/19 meeting
- volunteer management (you can do this all by email)
- neighborhood outreach (we’ll provide the training!)
- hosting Eat and Greet Potluck dinners or other creative events for your neighborhood/friend network
Happy Hour at Underdogs -- Plus, a Contest
The results are in: Board Elections
- Maria Sourbeer (née Camoratto)
- Mary Beth Hertz
- Joseph Marino
- Cassie Plummer
- John Raezer