All are welcome! You don't have to be a member to shop.

December 2015 Newsletter: Bragging on two stellar member-owners

Last week, the Co-op's Board of Directors hunkered down with cups of warm apple cider (thanks, Anna S.!) and got down to business: We discussed the status of our committees' work as we do during every meeting, watched a crazy-impressive 25-slide PowerPoint presentation on our potential financial models (thanks, Anna K.!) and shared data we've learned so far from our Member Product Preferences Survey. These 12 folks I meet up with every month are ridiculously smart and dedicated, so I'm really humbled that they put so much of their time into the work of building our Co-op. 

Of course, the commitment and expertise brought to the Co-op doesn't stop with the Board. Two of the Co-op's long-long-time member-owners are moving on from their current volunteer roles, and because they aren’t the kind of people to brag about themselves, I’m taking this space to do it for them. Take that! 

Molly Peterman has been our incredible bookkeeper basically since the beginning. She set us up in Quickbooks, reconciled every member equity check, and made a weekly trip to our P.O. box. She's done all this, plus hosting potlucks and buying beer for member events, while holding down a job that’s now taking her out of state for a little while. We'll miss Molly, and I hope we’ll have a site to show her when she gets back!

Martin Brown has been sitting on our Outreach Committee since I joined the table. While building his own inspiring local food business, Martin has donated treats to our events, called upon his business connections to take our annual Garden Tour to the next level, and always offered to pick something up in his car. (Side note: I really hope we get to sell pints of his crazy ice cream at our store.)

Because you’re reading this, I bet you have an interest in seeing our Co-op dreams become a reality. And I also bet you have expertise, time or willingness to join us in making it happen. Just reply to this email and I’ll help find the right place for you to help, by volunteering or joining one of our committees

Till then, read on, visit our blog and follow us on Facebook to find out lots of ways you can get involved with our community right now.

Have a wonderful holiday season,
Leigh Goldenberg, South Philly Food Co-op Board of Directors




Survey: What's on the shelves? You decide.
Here’s another thing you can do to help and have your voice heard!
 Please take 20 minutes to complete our Member Product Preferences Survey, which is helping shape the vision of our store. Here's a sample question from the survey:

It’s time to restock the pantry. Which olive oil do you choose?
  •  Store brand olive oil, $6.99/750 ml
  •  Organic store brand olive oil, $12.99/750 ml
  •  Single origin artisan olive oil, $14.99/750 ml
Which would you choose? Let us know!

On Deck: New Member Orientation


"Do I have to do volunteer hours?" 
"How do I answer my friends' questions about the Co-op?" 
"What do the committees do?" 
"When do I vote for stuff?"

If you've recently joined the Co-op and want to know more about what it's all about, our New Member Orientations are for you. Come meet fellow members and hear from people on our Membership and Marketing/Communications Committee about what the Co-op can do for you -- and what you can do for the Co-op.

And because it'll probably be cold ... hot chocolate for all!

Join us Monday, December 14 at 7 p.m. Click here to RSVP!

Reminder: Shop South Philly this holiday season

Something to keep in mind as you're tackling that gift-shopping list: 
Shop South Philly offers exclusive discounts and specials to South Philly Food Co-op member-owners when they shop at dozens of participating boutiques (like Occasionette, pictured), restaurants and other shops. Just show your member card or member ID number at these local businesses to receive your discount.

So go ahead — get your discount on, and don’t forget to thank them for supporting your Co-op!

Signing off,

South Philly Food Co-op