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Event Recap: What Is Your Food Worth?


A sold out Co-op Speaker Series Event welcomed Professor Bryant Simon to talk about the broken economics of our food system.

Let the conversation begin!

We are very pleased to report that the first in the South Philly Food Co-op’s new Speaker Series was a resounding success!  Members and non-members alike packed the house at Free Library of Philadelphia’s Charles Santore Branch for an eye-opening talk with Temple Professor Bryant Simon, whose new initiative, What Is Your Food Worth? is asking Philadelphians to confront a very serious question: what are our food choices really costing us?

From unsustainable industrial meat production, misaligned federal subsidies, and the $200 Big Mac down to workers’ rights and a cycle of corporate abuse shackling our entire nation to the ball and chain of “cheap” food, Professor Simon took no prisoners as he exposed the realities of the modern food system.  For proof, check out photos of the crowd at rapt attention on Facebook.

Interested in pulling back the veil even further?  We’ve put together a list of resources below, some of which were mentioned during yesterday’s talk, to wade even deeper into the muck of the modern industrial food system:










Comments?  Thoughts?  Ideas on this cripplingly complex topic?  Talk to us on Twitter or Facebook in the comments below.  We want to know what you think!

Thanks to all those who attended, and if you couldn’t make it this time, keep your eyes peeled for news on the next in our Speaker Series as we look towards a nutrition-focused event in March!