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Now Accepting Nominations For May 2014 Board of Directors Election

The South Philly Food Co-op will hold its annual election for the Board of Directors at the Spring General Membership Meeting in May. Date and time of the meeting will be announced shortly. The Co-op is now seeking nominees to run for the six director positions that will be up in this election.

Eligibility requirements and a complete job description for director the director position can be found by clicking this link.

The Board of Directors Nomination Form can be downloaded with this link (PDF).

Nomination forms are due by 11:59pm on March 1, 2014. 

Our Programs and Events Committee is organizing an event for February to help answer questions from member-owners who are considering seeking nomination and to help them get the 15 signatures of member-owners. (Check back here or on Facebook or Twitter for details.)

Member-owners who serve on the Board of Directors for the two-year term beginning July 1, 2014 will be part of a group that will take the Co-op through one of the most critical points in its history. By July 1 we hope to have surpassed the 600-member mark. Our Real Estate Committee continues to work to find a suitable location for the Co-op and we also hope to have that picked out shortly after we reach the 600-member mark. Having accomplished both of those goals will make us ready for the next phase of the Co-op's development - Pre-Construction. The Pre-Construction Phase includes a push to recruit new members based on the site location, finalizing external funding and launch a member loan campaign, and finalize plans for site design and renovations.

The Board of Directors will oversee this crucial work with the help of our various standing and ad-hoc committees. The Co-op is seeking member-owners who want to play a key role in this critical time and be instrumental in taking us to the "ribbon cutting."

While the Co-op could use candidates with experience in board leadership, community organizing, grocery/retail management, legal services, real estate and financial planning, the most important thing we need are people with time and energy to complete the Board's work. As long as you meet the eligibility requirements outlined in the Co-op's by-laws and stated on the nomination form, you can be a part of this.

Any organization is strengthened by having contested elections for its governing body. Out of the dozens of member-owners who have attended at least one General Membership Meeting and one committee meeting, we know there are plenty of folks who would bring a lot of great new energy to the board to complement the board members who have for the most part been serving since the inaugural board was chosen on June 29, 2011. If you meet the requirements and want to play a role in the phase of the Co-op's development, please consider submitting yourself as a nominee for the election!

Questions and completed nomination forms should be directed to Aubrey Jones at [email protected].