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October Co-op Volunteer Opportunities

Calling all members and volunteers! Check out three ways you can help the South Philly Food Co-op this fall, from setting up pizza to becoming a project manager:

Volunteer at the Fall General Membership Meeting

We're looking for a few volunteers to help with the upcoming Membership Meeting. Get a crack at the pizza when it's freshest by arriving early and helping out. Email us at [email protected] if you can help out with any of the following.

When: Thursday, October 25th
Where: EOM Athletic Association in Pennsport (on Moore Street between Front and Second; see map for directions)

    • 1-2 volunteers to greet and direct members to the meeting room (needed at 5:45)


    • 2 volunteers to help set up pizza and drink table (needed at 5:30)


    • 1 volunteer to hang large post-its for people to write questions on (needed at 5:30)


    • 1 volunteer to photograph (needed at 5:45)


    • 1 volunteer to videotape (needed at 5:45)

If you're interested in becoming involved with the Co-op but can't help with this event then please consider the following opportunities:

Join the Membership Committee

Eager to see the Co-op open? Consider joining the Membership Committee. While all of the Co-op committees are integral to the success of the Co-op, it is our member-owners that make the Co-op possible. The main responsibility of the Membership Committee is to oversee member recruitment, engagement and training. The committee meets once a month and we're looking for people to help us reach our next milestone of 400 members. Whether you have new and creative ideas for recruiting member-owners, suggestions for the member-owner orientation or want to help with record-keeping and other behind-the-scenes work, please email [email protected] to get involved. This is your Co-op — get in touch to see how you can help make it happen!

Become a Project Manager for the Speakers Bureau

We are looking for someone to help us coordinate outreach to community groups. We have the established a group of committee members willing to speak about the Co-op, and now we need an organized person willing to work with our "speakers" and match them to community organizations for outreach and member recruitment. Some of the tasks involved with the position include: 1) maintain a list of active speakers bureau members, 2) assign civic and other community meetings to speakers bureau members and follow up to make sure they are being scheduled, 3) identify opportunities for the co-op to make presentations to other groups (community groups, parents groups, community parks and gardens, churches, etc.), and 4) triage requests for co-op presentations as needed. Much of this work can be done by email/telephone and is about 2-4 hours of time per month during the fall/spring months.

Volunteering is a great way to help the Co-op advance its main goal of the moment: getting to 400 members! If you are currently a member-owner, volunteering at any of these events will count toward your household’s annual 8 hour volunteer commitment. For those who haven’t become members yet but are interested in volunteering, your hours are being tracked and will be applied to your account when you join.

***Become a member of the South Philly Food Co-op today!***