The blog has been a little quiet this summer (at least compared to our Facebook page... wow! 1007 fans!) but that doesn't mean we're not still working hard at getting this Co-op open. And thanks to our loyal corps of bloggers (Sarah, Rose and the crew) who keep the great content coming.
We've been to a number of events this summer including Gold Star Park's Music in the Park summer concert series (where our awesome garden writer Sarah was among several volunteers staffing our table... thanks, Sarah and everyone else!). The first week we signed up five new members and then got a few at the two following weeks, all while hearing some great music and tasting some really great food.
Last weekend we hung out on Passyunk Avenue in the blazing sun at the car show, an event I like to say "celebrates cars in one of the toughest neighborhoods to park in the whole city." We even got a new member there! (Thanks, Patrick!)
And we're not done yet. There a number of events coming up that we are trying to get to (pending volunteer availability) and the first one is TONIGHT (I'll be there). If you are interested in helping out at our table at any of these events, you can email us at [email protected].
1. August 4: We will have a table at Newbold Civic Association's Movie Night featuring Happy Feet. If you haven't become a member yet, bring your check book and get ready to climb on board! Guerin Rec Center at 16th and Jackson at 6pm.
2. August 15: The Transition movement grew out of the theory of permaculture and we happen to have a Transition group that meets in South Philadelphia.
TransitionPhiladelphia's August public meeting will take place on Monday, 8/15/11 at the South Philadelphia Older Adult Center (E. Passyunk Ave and Dickinson St.). This meeting will focus on the theme of community -- what's good, bad, changing, needs to improve in our communities. (Umm... more co-ops?) What anchors a community and creates the bond that makes it grow? How do communities keep members involved, accountable, and contributing?
We hope to be able to have someone at this meeting to offer how the South Philly Food Co-op can answer a lot of the questions above. Please consider attending and giving your own feedback about why you have joined (or are considering joining) the co-op.
3. and 4. August 18 (ruh, roh... two events!): Gold Star Park is hosting the Music in the Park event that was rescheduled from July 7. We will be there again with our Bobby-Flay-style Throwdown pitting local, seasonal produce against conventional, who-knows-from-where produce. As I recall from when we did this last week, it wasn't much of a contest.
On that same night, Lower Moyamensing Civic Association (LoMo) is having a Summertime Meet & Greet in Marconi. And it appears it will be a produce happy night since the theme of the event is tomato season. Guests are invited to bring some of their prize-winning backyard tomatoes to show off and snack on, or a tomato-inspired dish to share. LoMo Blue ribbons will be awarded. We hope to be there since this would seem like the perfect event to be selling tickets to our Fall Garden Tour. (Have you purchased a ticket yet?)
And that's just some of the events. We're also trying to line-up a presence at a Community Appreciation Day in Point Breeze and September brings LoMo's Fall Flea Market & Community Fair.
If you happen to see us at any of these events, please stop by and say hello. And if you haven't become a member yet, any one of these events is a perfect time to do so. (But really, what are you waiting for?! Mail it in. Our folks LOVE when they find a new membership in the P.O. Box.)
All are welcome! You don't have to be a member to shop.
We are coming to an event near you!
12/20/2024 – 4 Years on Juniper: Happy Birthday SPFC!
10/14/2024 – October Equity Drive & Little Library Progress
08/20/2024 – Harvest Jawn is coming to Juniper!
08/01/2023 – HOT TOMATO SUMMER 2023
12/27/2022 – 2022 Accomplishments
09/01/2022 – SPFC Back to School Recipe Series & Challenge with Chef Monica Glass
08/01/2022 – Board Statement on Supreme Court Ruling
04/10/2022 – National Gardening Day Activity
03/30/2022 – April Ownership & Equity Drive
03/14/2022 – Energy Co-op Guest Post